Missionary Support
Why Support Missionary Work?
As Christians we understand the good news of Jesus Christ is not just for us, but to be shared. Just before Jesus ascended back to heaven he gave his disciples what we call the great commission;
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age”Matthew 28:19-20
Around the world the commission is being carried out and we want to support it. Obviously we cannot support everyone so as a Church we have identified a number of missionary works we will support.
Who We Support
Torch Trust

Torch Trust is a Christian organisation with a worldwide vision for people with sight loss.
Website:- http://torchtrust.org/
Grace Baptist Mission

Grace Baptist Mission is a church-
Website:- http://www.gbm.org.uk

The Soldiers’ & Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association visit soldiers and airmen introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Website:- https://www.sasra.org.uk/
Off The Kirb Ministries (Joe Kirby)

Off The Kirb Ministries has a passion for preaching off the curbs of England. It started out as a street preaching ministry working with local churches in Lancashire to help support their street evangelism.
Although, the work has changed into more time spent making YouTube videos, Joe Kirby is still involved in open air outreach.
Website:- https://www.offthekirb.co.uk/
YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8p6aqja2so3hfQCwaiutow
Caring for Life

The Caring For Life projects provide housing and daytime activities helping vulnerable people.
Website:- http://www.caringforlife.co.uk/
Spanish Gospel Mission

Spanish Gospel Mission promote the work of the Gospel through our Conference Centre in central Spain.
Website:- http://spanish-gospel-mission.org.uk/
Albanian Evangelical Mission

The Albanian Evangelical Mission was founded in 1986 to alert Christians in the UK to the needs of Albania.
Website:- https://aemission.org/
Blythswood Care

Blythswood is a Christian charity, with a mission to transform lives through the impact of education, community action and gospel activities.
Website:- https://blythswood.org/
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal:- https://blythswood.org/shoeboxappeal/