Toddler Group

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

Our Toddler Group is held every Thursday at 10am (expect school holidays) at the church. Open to all parents, guardians childminders etc to bring any pre-school aged children. We have a variety of toys for the children to play with and while they enjoy themselves we provide you with a cup of tea or coffee.

At 11:10am we have tidy up time when the children help clear away the toys. Then the children are given a drink of juice and biscuit (we also provide the adults with biscuit at this point). The children then listen to a  Bible story generally illustrated using flannelgraph, before singing some well known toddler songs.

The morning concludes with our goodbye song. This is a free activity and there is no need to preregister, there is a donation box if you wish to contribute.