Sunday Services
For Christians Sunday is a special day for us. It was on a Sunday that Jesus rose from the dead showing how he had defeated death for us. Being the first day of the week it marks a new beginning which is what God has given us through Jesus Christ. As a body of believers we meet to look forward to a certain future through Jesus Christ.
Sunday Morning Service
In the morning we hold what we call a family service which starts at 10:30am. The services themselves are of traditional format which contain hymns, prayer and Bible readings. During our Sunday morning service we include a talk to the children in the congregation. Also we have a Sunday School for which the children who want to attend can leave the main room during hymn after the Children’s talk and Bible reading.
Following the third hymn our speaker will preach a message connected to the passage which was read earlier in the service. They will seek to explain the passage and may use illustrations to help you understand the truth that God is communicating. This will be accompanied with applications of the passages truth to our lives.

Sunday Evening Service
The evening service is best described as a tradition church service and begins at 6.30pm. The congregation tends to be adults and teenagers but children are welcome. We follow a similar pattern to the morning service in terms of following a traditional format with hymns, prayer and Bible readings.
Once again our speaker will preach a message connected to a different passage which was read earlier in the evening service. They will seek to explain the passage and may use illustrations to help you understand the truth that God is communicating. This will be accompanied with applications of the passages truth to our lives.
The Breaking of Bread (The Lord's Table)
Twice a month (the evening of 1st Sunday and morning of 3rd Sunday) the services are immediately follow with a breaking of bread service, in which Christians remember the Jesus’ death for them. Everyone is welcome to stay, but only those who know that Jesus is their personal Saviour are allowed to partake. The speaker introduces the remembrance and then the emblems of Jesus sacrificial death are served to the congregation in remembrance of him. If you know you should not take the bread or wine (we use grape juice so those who cannot have alcohol can partake) just indicate to the server and they will pass by you.

When the services concludes people tend to sit and chat and after most services tea and coffee are served in the adjoining room (where you can also find the entrance to the various bathroom facilities should you require them). You will find that some people often remain in the building an hour after the service has finished enjoying catching up and fellowshipping with one another.